They can be divided into general and the participants of criminal offenders to distinguish between two types of disposal. 他们可划分为违法犯罪分子和一般参与者两类来区别处置。
Based on the special nature of juvenile crime groups, applicable to juvenile is different from the adult criminal disposal has become a consensus of the judiciary. 基于未成年犯罪群体的特殊性,对未成年人适用不同于成年人的刑事处置方法已成为各国司法界的共识。
Therefore, the author suggests delimiting the juvenile criminal policy circle, perfecting or designing suitable disposal measures for serious misconduct juvenile. The author also advises we to bring it into the criminal rule, and the object of juvenile criminal law is serious misconduct and juvenile delinquency. 因此,笔者建议划定少年刑事政策圈,完善或设计适合于严重不良行为少年需要的处置措施,将其纳入刑事法治的视野,并界定少年刑事法律调整的对象为严重不良行为和少年犯罪行为。